ISES Events

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Solar World Congress 2021

SWC 2021 announced!

We are very pleased to announce that the next International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Solar World Congress (SWC) 2021 will take place at the Pragati Maidan International Congress Centre in New Delhi, India from 24 – 28 October 2021.

New Delhi is the dynamic and vibrant capital city of India, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and one with ambitious renewable energy development goals. The Indian government recently announced new plans to add 500 GW of renewable energy to its electricity grid by 2030[1]. They have set targets to cut emissions significantly and to have renewable energy account for at least 40% of its installed final energy demand by 2030. India has also set the target of reaching 14 GWth (20-million m2) of solar water heating capacity by 2022.[2]

We are gearing up for this event to be a major platform for the international solar and renewable energy community to meet and exchange ideas. The SWC 2021 will cover a broad range of themes and topics that reflect the unique perspectives of our participants working in solar research and development, industries, governments and academia. The final list of themes will be available when the Call for Participation is launched later this year.

The scope of the SWC 2021 will be multifaceted. The Congress will include technical sessions on a broad range of renewable energy topics, international experts addressing cutting-edge technologies and developments in markets and policies at the governmental, national and regional levels, interactive forums and workshops, strong participation by industry, and numerous networking and social events.

Aapka Swagat Hai – We look forward to welcoming you to the Solar World Congress 2021 in New Delhi, India!


[2]REN21 Global Renewable Status Report 2020