Section Publications
SOLAR TODAY is published by the American Solar Energy Society (ASES).
The ASES mission is to inspire an era of energy innovation and speed the transition to a sustainable energy economy. Launched in 1987, award winning SOLAR TODAY is expanding its reach and audience with three different formats. SOLAR TODAY is published as: A print magazine that is delivered to all member subscribers, an interactive digital pdf edition that can be browsed online or downloaded and online articles accessible to anyone searching for solar or renewable information. To subscribe to the print edition of SOLAR TODAY, visit
Members of ISES also have access to SOLAR TODAY. Please log in to this website to view the link to read the latest issue, which will appear below.
The official magazine of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Sonnenenergie e. V. (DGS).
In Deutschlands ältester Fachzeitschrift werden alle Aspekte der regenerativer Energien und Ihrer Nutzung, sowie der rationellen Verwendung von Energie behandelt. In der SONNENENERGIE erscheinen Artikel von Fachleuten für Interessierte der Erneuerbaren Energien. Hochaktuelle Informationen aus Wissenschaft und Technik für jedermann, aber auch relevante, fundierte Fachartikel für die Spezialisten der Branche. Die SONNENENERGIE erscheint 6-mal jährlich. In ihrer gedruckten Version ist die SONNENENERGIE auch an Kiosken erhältlich. Die SONNENENERGIE ist in der Vereinsmitgliedschaft der DGS enthalten. Die SONNENENERGIE gibt es zudem als pdf-Version als auch in einer eigenen Digitalversion. Diese Online-Ausgabe der SONNENENERGIE ist mit allen gängigen Systemen kompatibel und plattformübergreifend nutzbar. Hier können Sie nachsehen wo sich der nächstgelegene Verkaufsstand befindet.
Members of ISES also have access to Sonnenenergie (in German). Please log in to this website to view the link to read the latest issue, which will appear below.

The Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa
The Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa or SESSA, is dedicated to the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency including all solar-based energies such as photovoltaics, thermal heating and cooling, wind, biomass and hydro, to name a few. Other utilization possibilities of this principle source of energy are in passive building design and energy efficiency.
The inter-disciplinary nature of SESSA attracts the membership of industry, scientists, researchers, developers and the general public – the only qualification is a keen interest in renewable energy and its utilization to ensure a sustainable energy future. SESSA was founded in 1974 and is one of 50 National Sections of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). ISES is regarded as the premier body in solar energy with members in over 100 countries. SESSA is the duly appointed African office of ISES. Subscribe to the SESSA newsletter.
Members of ISES also have access to the SESSA Stakeholders Email Campaign Archive. Please log in to this website to view the link to read the latest issue, which will appear below.