Solar Energy
Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society is devoted exclusively to the science and technology of solar energy applications. With participation encompassing 100 countries, ISES serves as a center for information on research and development in solar energy utilization. Through its publications and its sponsorship of technical conferences, the Society provides a world forum for the active consideration of solar energy. Solar Energy welcomes manuscripts presenting information on any aspect of solar energy measurement, research, development, application, or policy.
Solar Energy welcomes manuscripts presenting information not previously published in journals on any aspect of solar energy research, development, application, measurement or policy. The term "solar energy" in this context includes the indirect uses such as wind energy and biomass. Because of the international character of Solar Energy, articles that deal solely with the solar radiation or wind data base of a specific country are not normally considered suitable for Solar Energy. Submitted manuscripts may take the form of reports of original studies or reviews of significant prior work in a given area. All manuscripts are subject to reviews to assure accuracy, clarity, and long-term value.
Please see the Editorial Board, Publisher Elsevier for further information.
Solar Energy covers topics such as:
- Solar Buildings
- Solar Thermal Energy Conversion
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Solar Thermal Power Plants
- Materials, Optics, Energy Storage
- Solar Chemistry
- Resources and Radiation
- Economics and Policy
Solar Energy Audience: Researchers, academics, architects and technicians involved in the research, design, construction and utilisation of photovoltaics and solar energy systems.
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Solar Energy is available to members of ISES at the following prices:
Solar Energy Journal - paper version (18 issues/year) | € 55 |
Solar Energy Online* - electronic version (18 issues/year) | € 48 |
*not available for Corporate members
The online version includes access to 18 regular volumes for the current year and access to back files up to 4 years from start of subscription, plus access to full archive of abstracts.
Not a member of ISES yet? If you are not yet a member, you will be offered the opportunity of purchasing a subscription to Solar Energy during your registration process. Please join ISES here.
For libraries, the Journal is available directly from the publisher ( Prices vary from region to region.
All subscriptions are for personal use only and may not be shared or placed in institutional or university libraries or other libraries, nor may any personal subscriptions be used for library purposes.
Special Issues and Best Paper Awards
Solar Energy Special Issues:
Within the Solar Energy journal, special issues are published. These special issues cover solar energy technologies as well as certain ISES conferences.
Recent special issues of Solar Energy are:
- Thermal Energy Storage for Solar Applications
- International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education - ISREE
- Recent Progress in Photovoltaics: Part 2
See the full list of past Solar Energy special issues here.
Solar Energy Best Paper Awards:
This award was initiated in 1981, at that time it was called the Löf/Duffie Best Paper Award, and since 2007 has been called the "Solar Energy Journal Best Paper Award". The award is presented to authors of papers considered to be outstanding contributions published in the ISES scientific journal, "Solar Energy". The award is presented to papers that demonstrate significant pioneering contributions to the solar energy literature, for innovative concepts or approaches, and whose quality and presentation have a lasting impact. The papers chosen for this award are selected by the the Editor-in-Chief, Subject Area Editors and Associate Editors of the Solar Energy Journal. The award consists of a certificate and a small cash prize funded by Elsevier.
Best Paper Awards are presented in the categories of:
- Solar Heating and Cooling, Buildings and Other
- Photovoltaics
- Resources and Meteorology
- Solar Environmental, Photocatalytic, and New Areas
- Concentrating Solar Power and High Temperature Processes
2018/19 Best Papers
The 2018/2019 Solar Energy Best Paper Awards were presented at the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 in Santiago, Chile.
The following Best Paper Awards were presented:
Best Paper on the topic of Solar Heating and Cooling, Buildings and Other
“Solar assisted heat pump system for multifamily buildings: Towards a seasonal performance factor of 5? Numerical sensitivity analysis based
on a monitored case study”
Carolina Fraga, Pierre Hollmuller, Floriane Mermoud, and Bernard Lachal
Best Paper on the topic of Photovoltaics
“Relevance of PV with single-axis tracking for energy scenarios"
Svetlana Afanasyeva, Dmitrii Bogdanov, and Christian Breyer
Best Paper on the topic of Resources and Meteorology (Co-winners--tie)
1) “Surface albedo and reflectance: Review of definitions, angular and spectral effects, and intercomparison of major data sources in support of advanced solar irradiance modeling over the Americas”
Christian A. Gueymard, Vicente Lara-Fanego, Manajit Sengupta, and Yu Xie
2) “Surface solar radiation forecasts by advecting cloud physical properties derived from Meteosat Second Generation observations”
Ping Wang, Rudolf van Westrhenen, Jan Fokke Meirink, Sibbo van der Veen, and Wouter Knap
Best Paper on the topic of Solar Environmental, Photocatalytic, and New Areas
“Cobalt-doped nickel oxide nanoparticles as efficient hole transport materials for low-temperature processed perovskite solar cells,”
Ryuji Kaneko, Towhid H. Chowdhury, Guohua Wu, Md. Emrul Kayesh, Said Kazaoui, Kosuke Sugawa, Jae-Joon Lee, Takeshi Noda, Ashraful Islam, and Joe Otsuki.
Best Paper on the topic of Concentrating Solar Power and High Temperature Processes
No nomination this year.
*Image to the rigth: Dr. David Renné, ISES Immediate Past President, presents the Solar Energy Best Paper Award certificates to Ping Wang and Carolina Fraga (from right to left)

Abstracting / Indexing
- Applied Mechanical Review
- Applied Science & Technology Index
- BIOSIS Database
- Current Contents
- EIC Intelligence
- Engineering Index Monthly & Author Index
- Environmental Periodicals Bibliography
- Bibliographic and Ordering Information
Commenced publication 1957